Speaking at the Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders December 2018, at the UN Conference Centre in Bangkok. Thanks to UN Asia and Humanitarian Affairs this was an opportunity to remind ourselves to share joy and peace instead of resentment and anger.
Volunteering & Contact INFORMATION
If you have any questions or general inquiry on this project, or would like to volunteer, please contact:bethepeacewalk@gmail.com, be aware that we may take response may take up within 4 DAYS, if your inquiry is necessarily urgent, please call any of the following numbers until you get in touch:
+250 788 520 336 | +250 788 300 222 | +250 787 885 478
If you plan on visiting Rwanda and participating in this project, please review the Documents section of this website before inquiring.
Just now on #sundaywalkrwanda beautiful couple with their little child. On the other side, this shot reminds me that many of children in many different corners of the world are separated with their parents on the move to the refugee camps ... fleeing violence .... it also make me remember that Many Rwandans have never or partially enjoyed parents’ affection because of Genocide Against the Tutsi. Let’s everyone be everyone else’s peace. Let’s protect children and let’s not break their rights to live their life. #bethepeaceinitiative
walk the journey
You are more than welcome to join #BeThePeaceWalk, for minutes, hours, a day, week or for the entire #BeThePeaceWalk. We will be sharing stories, participating in activities of hope and resilience including planting fruit trees in gardens, visiting inspirational heroes who rescued Tutsi during genocide, listening to testimonies of survivors, testimonies of young generation who are doing great innovations… There will be days we will visit some families and spend their day life together by carrying out their everyday activities…
We are still searching for the remains of the victims of 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Today in South of Rwanda -Mayunzwe. We are burying in dignity more than a thousand victims of the genocide. Hate was taught for generations and can only be overcome by transmitting love, truth and justice to all generations. #bethepeace
Write a letter
If you cannot make it to walk, you also can write a letter seeding love and peace to be displayed and read during the walk and during the Ubumuntu Arts Festival. Your letter can be addressed to a group of people, to the world, to a specific person, to someone you want to forgive, someone you ask for forgiveness, someone you have lost, person(s) who have made difference to you, person(s) victims of conflicts /genocide or any violence, etc. As long as the letter aims to seed love and peace – please send to: bethepeacewalk@gmail.com by July 20th 2019.